Love and FireCollection (Love and Fire, #1-2) By Miranda J. Fox

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1 2 I was able to read book one first and although I enjoyed it I really felt like it was too short and it left me hanging With that being said when I had the opportunity to read book two I reread book one and now two Ms Fox did not disappoint in book two We have James the wealthiest and most sought after bachelor in the city We also have Emma who is the girl who s been used in the past and is trying to avoid a repeat of heartbreak Book 2 introduces us to Eric the step brother and quite frankly I m not sure what to think of him He tries to break up James and Emma s budding relationship but then on the other side seems to really look after Emma The only issue I had was the writing at times confused me For example No.

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Shows Emma a moment of passion that leaves her confused and self deprecating Emma makes a conscious choice to move on and pretend it never happenedBut fate seems to have something else in store Part two we see the beginnings of a relationship between Emma and James He is slowly trying to woo her with his charmsbut that is quickly quashed when in enters the prodigal brother Ericwho is determine to disrupt and destroy anything good that James may have going in his life Who can Emma trust Is James who he says he is What truths does Eric have about James What should Emma believe What lies ahead for Emma What has she gotten herself mixed up with Loving this story.

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1 2 Wow I had already read part 1 and couldn t wait to see where the story would go Part 2 was What the I am really confused This isn t a bad thing The story is really well written with interesting characters Part 2 didn t end on a cliff hanger as such but I have like a million questions I have to read the next instalment I have found in some books the cliff hanger or the unanswered questions the reader is left with feel forced in the story to make you buy the next book Not in this case The story was confusing yet flowed so well I feel like I m in the head space of the main character Emma I think what intrigues me is the fact that you could leave the story there There is no hidden meaning and take it all at face value BUT some how it just doesn t sit right with me and yet I have no idea who the good guy is and who the bad guys are Great Romance novel with a mystery Lots if fun and really desperate now for Read it Would love to know others opinions of what they think is happening R Love and FireCollection Love and Fire.

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HOLYSHIT WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT Confused is an understatement to what I m feeling right now I m rounding this book to 4 steamy stars In book one we met James and Emma it was too short but full of potential and we re left knowing that they re going to spend the weekend together to get to know each other here s my review for book one while book one is intriguing and left me wanting but in a way of come on do it already what s lying underneath though So book twoWe start with them enjoying each others company doing normal things such as watching films which is really unknown to James his lifestyle is full of partying drinking women you name it James has done it This is where the book turns James has a younger brother Eric he s getting involved in James business trying to split what James and Emma have this book is packed with lots of twists and turns involvement with new characters learning about James past and I was left at the end feeling. Love fire clothing website WHAT THE FUCK sorry to swear guys but there is a serious BIG cliffhanger at the end Emma s safety is at risk without giving much away it had of a mafia feel to it And so many unanswered questions I will tell you I am seriously pissed of with James but at the same time I do think he s trying to keep Emma safe This one kept me on my toes especially at the end and Miranda what I want to know is how many books are we getting here whens book three out I need information and I NEED it now My thoughtsI did start reading this not really knowing where the author was taking this then half way through I couldn t stop till I finished I was on the edge of my seat and I do need It s full of suspense with the steam not what I was expecting at all The writing was easy to understand and flows pretty well and I do think this author is one to watch in the future as she sure has gripped my attention on this one James Sexy HOT seductive secretive intriguing. Love and FireCollection ebook reader 5 gripping promising yet a tad frustrating stars I previously read and reviewed part one of this book but since the author sent me PART 2 as an arc asking for an honest review this is now my updated review to encompass both parts 1 2 So Part 1 well sometimes all a girl wants is a quickie right And the first part of this novella may have only been 56 pages but it definitely grabbed my attention and turned out to be a quick fun and HOT read The basic story began with Emma who after being cheated on by her boyfriend decides to attend the local swingers club House of Temptation looking for a little fun but getting much than she bargained for when she meets club owner James Carter at only twenty four years of age James was the richest bachelor in the city. Love and FireCollection ebook reader Ill be honest Ive always found short novellas like this one difficult to rate because there is only so much story you can pack into so few pages So for part one I decided upon 3 stars because what I did read I enjoyed and for me it was the beginning of what I hoped would develop into a great erotic story I would have loved it to be longer so we could see greater character development learning about Emma s backgrounds and motives and therefore I could have formed of a emotional connection with the lead female A few chapters would also have allowed me as a reader to see where the story line is going to take us in the future and maybe allowed for a little drama I suppose I felt that just as I was getting into the first part of story it ended I did however really enjoy the authors writing style and as I said before the potential was there for a great follow up. Fireplaces contemporary design gallery So then along comes part two and the author wastes absolutely no time in throwing us back into Emma and James lives I have to say the start of this second part totally had me gripped and furiously turning the pages to delve further into the story I absolutely loved the whole cat and mouse feel to their budding relationship I loved Emma s initial reluctance and determination to not merely be another notch on the HOT and loaded club owners James bedpost and I loved James cocky arrogant attitudetotally reminded me of another HOT ARROGANT BILLIONAIRE ALPHA MALE And then the end happenedSo all in all I really enjoyed both parts to this story and I m eager to read so why the 3. Love and FireCollection pdf editor 5 stars and not higher Well for me there were a few minor frustrations most of which were based on character decisions I have issues with some characters who can t make up their frigging minds even when I feel the truth is flipping obvious. Love and FireCollection pdf But alas I don t really want to delve too much into these issues because I d hate to spoil the story and I feel it s up the reader ti make up their own minds What I will say is the sudden ending for this part had me nearly flinging my iPad through the air. Fireplaces contemporary design gallery so why not give it a try and see what you think Review copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review Love and FireCollection Love and Fire 1 2 Inhalt Eine Liebesgeschichte mit erotischen Elementen Kein reiner Erotikroman Als Emma von ihrem Freund betrogen und kurz darauf verlassen wird beschlie t sie mit ihrer Freundin ins Haus der Versuchung zu gehen einer Mischung aus Diskothek und Swingerclub um ihr Selbstwertgef hl aufzubauen Emma hat nur grobe Vorstellungen von dem was sie erwartet doch sicher rechnet sie nicht damit dem begehrtesten Junggesellen der Stadt ber den Weg zu laufen Mit seiner anziehenden geheimnisvollen Art gelingt es ihm Emma zu verf hren und alles k nnte perfekt sein W rde nicht pl tzlich sein ebenso attraktiver Bruder auftauchen und James dunkle Vergangenheit aufdecken. Kindle love inspired books Meine Meinung Zusammen gefasst ist die Grundidee ganz in Ordnung aber irgendwie kam mir es doch so vor dass Emma sehr leicht manipulierbar ist und das war sehr bertrieben zu viel des guten gewesen Emma die keinen ihre Gedanken ber ihre Handlungen macht James der denkt dass er mit Geld alles machen kann was er will und genauso geht es den Bruder r ber Irgendwie sind alle Charaktere sehr bertrieben oberfl chlich. Love and FireCollection Fazit Dennoch ein gutes Buch was aber noch sehr aufbauf hig ist Love and FireCollection Love and Fire 1 2 Die Protagonistin Emma hat eigentlich die Schnauze voll von M nnern denn sie wurde betrogen und verlassen Ihre beste Freundin m chte die traurige Emma ablenken und berredet sie zu einem M delsabend In dem angesagten Swingerclub findet Emma ihre Ablenkung um genau zu sein die hei este Ablenkung die sich jeder nur w nschen kann Miranda J Fox geh rt zu den Autoren deren Geschichte ich als Ebooks oder B cher gerne verschlinge Manche Ebooks m ssen sogar im Nachhinein mein B cherregal schm cken und nicht nur wegen der tollen oder perfekten Geschichte sondern weil man als Leser die wert und anspruchsvolle Arbeit noch mehr sch tzt Die anspruchsvollen Covers hinterlassen bei mir immer einen hoffnungsvollen Eindruck auf die Geschichte selber. Love and FireCollection ebooks online Wer kleine Geschichten mag und Shades of Grey verschlungen hat ist bei dieser Kurzgeschichte genau richtig gelandet Es gibt Verletzungen und Hoffnungen was wird am Ende siegen Gerade weil im 2 Teil James Bruder Eric auftaucht und damit die positiven Erkenntnisse wieder zunichte macht Was ist wahr von der schrecklichen Vergangenheit Hat James dies wirklich auch alles getan aber warum streitet er es ab Beim Lesen entstehen viele Fragen aber sie werden von der Autorin hilfreich beantwortet und machen die Kurzgeschichte damit perfekt. Love and firecollection ebook free James ist ein gutaussehender reicher und junger Casanova Jedoch wirkt er keineswegs arrogant oder selbstverliebt sondern hat sogar eine romantische Seite Der Protagonist scheint der Typ Mann zu sein den Frau nur schlecht oder selten von der Bettkante st rzen w rde. Epub love and firecollection ebook Emma ist im Gegensatz zu James eher sch chtern und zur ckhaltend kommt aber sehr sympathisch r ber Ihr f llt es schwer sich dem Protagonisten zu n hern besonders als deren Bruder Eric ins Spiel kommt. Love and firecollection epub ebook free download Wer auf Erotik und auf gut gebaute Kerle steht der kann mit diesem Buch nichts falsch machen Miranda J Fox hat mit diesem Buch eine hei e Schiene aufgebaut denn ich konnte dieses Buch nicht so schnell aus der Hand legen Wie geht es weiter Was passiert als n chstes Und dann war es doch zu Ende und Band 3 musste ganz schnell her Love and FireCollection Love and Fire 1 2 Buchinfos Titel Love and FireAutor Miranda J FoxSeiten 246Buchart TBVerlag Bestellcode 978 1490351032Erh ltlich 06 2013Kosten 749Alter Buchrichtung Erotischer RomanVorg ngerb nde Folgeb nde Love and Fire Stunde der WahrheitLove and Fire Eric Einzelband Verfilmung Inhalt Als Emma von ihrem Freund betrogen und kurz darauf verlassen wird beschlie t sie mit ihrer Freundin ins Haus der Versuchung zu gehen einer Mischung aus Diskothek und Swingerclub um ihr Selbstwertgef hl aufzubauen Emma hat nur grobe Vorstellungen von dem was sie erwartet doch sicher rechnet sie nicht damit dem begehrtesten Junggesellen der Stadt ber den Weg zu laufen Mit seiner anziehenden geheimnisvollen Art gelingt es ihm Emma zu verf hren und alles k nnte perfekt sein W rde nicht pl tzlich sein ebenso attraktiver Bruder auftauchen und James dunkle Vergangenheit aufdecken Dieser Sammelband beinhaltet den ersten und zweiten Teil der prickelnden und spannenden Erotik Reihe. Kindle love inspired books Meine Meinung Das Buch ist ein Erotikroman also wisst ihr ja schon was der gr te Bestandteil des Buches ist Emma trifft James in einem Swingerclub und verbringt eine hei e Zeit mit ihm unter der Dusche aber Emma fl chtet Sie wei nicht wer James ist den er ist der begehrteste Junggeselle der Stadt Emma l uft ihm wieder ber den Weg James will ihr Interesse an ich wecken aber Emma will das nicht sie will erobert werden und so legt sich James ins Zeug. Epub book on kindle fire Wer solche Geschichten mag sollte sie lesen da das Ende nicht so ist wie ich es gerne h tte mu ich auch Teil Drei lesen Love and FireCollection Love and Fire 1 2

Love and FireCollection (Love and Fire, #1-2) By Miranda J. Fox
Kindle Edition
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Als Emma von ihrem Freund betrogen und kurz darauf verlassen wird beschlie t sie mit ihrer Freundin ins Haus der Versuchung zu gehen einer Mischung aus Diskothek und Swingerclub um ihr Selbstwertgef hl aufzubauen Emma hat nur grobe Vorstellungen von dem was sie erwartet doch sicher rechnet sie nicht damit dem begehrtesten Junggesellen der Stadt ber den Weg zu laufen Mit seiner anziehenden geheimnisvollen Art gelingt es ihm Emma zu verf hren und alles k nnte perfekt sein W rde nicht pl tzlich sein ebenso attraktiver Bruder auftauchen und James dunkle Vergangenheit aufdecken Love and FireCollection Love and Fire I didn t I said on the right Emma raised her eyebrows but it was James who said that I had to reread a few parts to keep up with who was saying what We re left at the end of book 2 with a cliffy and I can not wait to read book 3 I really am enjoying the story line and can t wait to see what s next for James and Emmy or Emma and Eric or James and Eric Once you read it you ll see what I mean ARC provided in exchange for my honest review Love and FireCollection Love and Fire 1 2 I have previously read and reviewed part one Here s a recap You ve been dumped by your cheating boyfriendyou have moped around feeling sorry for yourself for the last few weekswhat are you to do Let loose with your best friend and the swankiest club in town owned by the hottest and richest eligible bachelor in town. Fireplaces contemporary design gallery And that is just what Emma did and a hot time she did have James the owner of the club with the way this story ends I really cannot wait to see what Ms Fox will bring to the table with Part three Love and FireCollection Love and Fire 1 2 I received a copy from the author in exchange for my honest review so here it is I read part 1 back in August but read it again to remind myself of the story After Rachel takes Emma to a swingers club and she meets James Carter Emma runs from him knows he is bad news He can t stop trying to get her to go out with him He even searches and finds out where she works and lives Finally she agrees to spend the weekend with him and things seem to be going good until his brother Eric shows up Eric tries to cause trouble for James and James is trying to keep Eric from Emma Emma doesn t know what to believe is true There is a lot going on in this one to keep you glued to the pages just to see where it will go next I wanted to slap James Eric and Aubrey They all seem to be lying and who in the hell is Liam Now Emma has finally that she is going to put James in her past Can she move on without him Will James tell her the truth And what in the hell kinda game are they all playing Another great part to this series Looking forward to finding out what happens next Love and FireCollection Love and Fire 1 2 Ok so I am torn that was awesome but I am left with so many questions I am like RRROOOAAARR and now I have to wait but by God I hope there is another. Love and FireCollection pdf Book 2 picks up with James and Emma starting to date and him taking her to his place The 2 share an intimate moment that is ruined by one gorgeous man namely James brother Eric. Kindle of the fire of love There are so many twists and turns that I found myself questioning whether I had fallen asleep and woken 30 pages ahead I was like WTF Thinking I have to read it again to see if I have maybe missed a critical piece of information. Love and FireCollection ebooks online My only downfall for this would be finding it difficult to follow who was talking sometimes and I would have to re read pages to get the gist Overall great book in what I hope will be a long series But PLEASE Miranda when is the next book Love and FireCollection Love and Fire 1 2 My heart belongs to books and love Thats why I prefer to write love stories and erotic novels with happy endings I love music live in Berlin and like quick witted and self confident protagonists. Love and firecollection kindle store Already as an adolescent I wrote short stories and novels In 2013 I realized my dream and published my first erotic love story Love and Fire under the penname Miranda J Fox dont worry thats not really my name. Love and firecollection epub ebook free Since then a large audience has been enjoying my books and I am always thankful to live my dream and to entertain you with my nonsense I hope this will continue When Im not writing I use every free minute to read My heart belongs to books and love That s why I prefer to write love stories and erotic novels with happy endings I love music live in Berlin and like quick witted and self confident protagonists. Love and FireCollection pdf editor Already as an adolescent I wrote short stories and novels In 2013 I realized my dream and published my first erotic love story Love and Fire under the penname Miranda J Fox don t worry that s not really my name. Love and firecollection book 2 Since then a large audience has been enjoying my books and I am always thankful to live my dream and to entertain you with my nonsense I hope this will continue When I m not writing I use every free minute to read site_link Love and FireCollection (Love and Fire, #1-2).

. Love and FireCollection epubs air An enjoyable but short read Arc kindly given by the author in exchange for an honest review Love and FireCollection Love and Fire 1 2 3. Love fire clothing website but on a really positive note this goes to show you how much I was engrossed in what turned out to be a HOT STEAMY INTRIGUINGYET AT TIMES FRUSTRATING AS HELL story: Love and FireCollection epublishing Dann taucht Eric auf James Bruder der sagt Emma etwas ber James das ihre Welt ins Schwanken bringt, Love and FireCollection pdf reader Die Geschichte so ist gut und l sst sich gut lesen Die Schriftgr e ist auch gro und erleichtert das lesen, Love and firecollection ebook free Eric turns everything on its head by breaking up James and Emma s relationship then putting himself there for her: Love and firecollection ebook free this book saw characters enter and their involvement in the drama storyline that is left wide open for to happen.EmmaNiave confused vulnerable feisty yet loving