Guccini e Macchiavelli, cantori dell’Appennino dimenticato, giocano con i fantasmi per rendere omaggio allo spirito misterioso e inafferrabile delle loro amate montagne.

La frenesia della città sembra all’improvviso lontanissima, i tornanti si snodano in mezzo a una fitta vegetazione, il segnale telefonico si e poi, dietro una curva, ecco una radura dominata da una quercia maestosa e da un’antica casa in pietra. A Maurizio e a Marta sembra che quella casa sia lì ad aspettarli da sempre. A dire il vero Maurizio, da buon scrittore di romanzi, qualche sospetto per le case isolate nel bosco lo nutre, ma l’entusiasmo della moglie vince ogni resistenza. E così i due approdano tra gli Appennini, poco desiderosi di stringere amicizia con i ruvidi abitanti del paese vicino e determinati a godersi il loro incantevole buen retiro . Però non sono dalle profondità della cantina – che i locali chiamano “l’inferno” – emerge un grosso gatto che si considera il vero padrone di casa e che, in virtù del suo pelo nerissimo, accetta l’epiteto di Minosse con felina condiscendenza. Ma non è tutto. Una notte dopo l’altra, a far loro compagnia si susseguono strani ombre fruscianti in giardino, luci che si accendono nel buio, Minosse che gonfia il pelo come se qualcosa lo avesse terrorizzato…

I really enjoy telling stories. My favorite ones to tell aren’t the made-up kind, but those involving real events. Telling these involves recounting what occurred in such a way as to draw the listeners into the events and transform them into eyewitnesses. The narratives of this sort that I treasure the most are found in the New Testament. They describe what God did through the birth, life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and how he changed the lives of those that followed him. In this book I combine thirty Christmas stories from my life with assorted biblical texts in an effort to help the reader understand and appreciate deeper the birth of Christ. As people read these pages, I hope they will look with fresh eyes upon the various details surrounding this event. I hope their minds, wills, and emotions will be moved to worship, praise, and glorify the Savior, Christ the Lord. I invite you to join me on this journey as each day for a month, I try to tell you a story about Christmas.

Brinna Blake was born to run—lighting up the track with record-breaking times that guarantee her a future paved with Olympic gold. That is, until she’s suddenly snatched from earth by a mysterious spacecraft. Across the galaxy and far from home, Brinna finds herself sold into a high-stakes alien demolition race known as the Renegade Run where humans are a fool’s bet. But this isn’t your grandma’s space-race. Strapped into a runner ship and armed to the teeth, the Renegade Run is the race of a lifetime with participants from every corner of the galaxy competing for a prestigious grand prize—a prize that could be Brinna’s ticket back home.

But she’s only got one shot if she wants to see Earth again. The Renegade Run is all or nothing, and with Phox—her hot-tempered, alien co-pilot—at the controls, they’ll have to race to win … or die trying.

Renegades—start your engines, weapons hot, GO!

Volume 2 of the latest romantic comedy from Mari Yoshino, author of Momoiro Heaven and Beauty Bunny! After Leon discovers Niko's secret, he half-forces her to become his personal maid -- but she's tasked not just with cooking and cleaning, but rehearsing love scenes and using her thighs to help him relax...?! It's a real trial by fire for Niko, but Leon keeps saving her from trouble -- and when he reveals his softer side, Niko can't help but begin to take an interest...

omediantit on kertomus sirkuksesta, rakkaudesta ja pakolaisuudesta. Maneesilta vaunuun kuuluva musiikki tuo muistoja mieleen Arabella Schreierille, jonka tie oopperan balettioppilaasta kiertävän sirkusperheen artistiksi on ollut kuoppainen, mutta täynnä elämää.
Päähenkilön ja Dresdeniin jääneen ystävättären kirjeenvaihdossa kohtaavat kaksi lapsuutta ja todellisuutta, natsi-Saksan ja DDR:n. Voiko kummastakaan selvitä?

” Ensimmäinen askel on pahin. Jähmetyn paikoilleni ja luulen jo, että minun on luovutettava ja pudottauduttava alas. Otettava häpeä vastaan. Saan kuitenkin ajatukseni keskitettyä, ja siinä seistessäni, syvään hengittäen, viimein vahvana ja valppaana, luulen ymmärtäväni jotakin. Että tämä tässä ei ole esitys vaan kotini, päämäärä, jota kohden olen puoli vuotta vaeltanut. Että se on vain otettava haltuun, täytettävä tila ja oltava niin kuin elämässä ollaan. Tehtävä parhaansa siinä.”

Maritta Hirvosen esikoisromaani on kirjoitettu rakkaudesta sirkukseen, musiikkiin ja taiteeseen.

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